Final meeting
Final meeting The last transnational meeting of the project took place in Milan on the 23 rd of November 2021. Partners assessed the results of the local workshops and laid out the basis of the final report. They also agreed on sustainability actions, like carrying out future dissemination activities.
Dissemination event
Dissemination event Dissemination events: These events were hold in all partners countries to promote the diffusion of outputs and the use of the activities designed among sport instructors, coaches and educators. Some of these events were carried out online and served to raise awareness on the issue ob bullying, while participants of physical meetings had […]
Local Workshops
Local Workshops Local activities were implemented in Italy, Portugal and Bulgaria with local youth by the participants of the LTTA. Like so, these educators managed to test their acquired skills and competences, at the same time promoting awareness raising about bullying among the ultimate beneficiaries of the project, hence youngsters aged 16-25 years.
LTTA The aim of the training course (LTTA) was to provide the participants with a framework to understand, prevent and fight bullying behaviors among young people, by mastering non-formal education to prevent and create a safe learning environment and by learning strategies to detect, act and communicate bullying cases.
2ºTPM On the 10th Oh February, 2020, the partner organizations met in Milan, Italy to review the progress of the project. Since the first meeting, a research on the phenomenon of bullying among young people has been conducted and its findings and outcome were discussed.
Research The first action of the project was a research, conducted by a questionnaire aimed to collect existing good practices from NGOs, schools and sport organizations to develop learning formats targeted at youth operators, to facilitate them in dealing with the wider social challenge of bullying, and to enable the achievement of knowledge, skills, and […]
Kick-off meeting
Kick-off meeting On the 20th of June, 2019, the first transnational meeting (kick-off meeting) of the 24-month long new Erasmus KA2 project called „ExSport us” was held in Milan together with the representatives of the three partner organizations.